Tekstuele beschrijving figuur 21 - 2018

Naam KBO via %
ID01 Allo Telecom 0445.538.717 ID9 100
ID02 Belgian Mobile ID 0541.659.084 ID9 18,7
ID03 Coditel Brabant SPRL 0403.107.452 ID9 99,97
ID04 Coditel S.A. RL 0887.123.002 ID26 2
ID05 De Vijver Media 0466.137.359 ID30 50(na overname 100)
ID07 Doccle 0846.382.408 ID26 33,33
ID08 Doccle.UP 0846.506.033 ID26 33,33
ID09 EBS International 0451.845.202 ID05 100
ID10 Finance Center Telenet (L) ID17 100
ID11 Idealabs Telenet Fund 0660.0855.216 rechtstreeks 50
ID12 Liberty Global Group (VS) ID30 3
ID13 LOFT INTERNATIONAL 836155638 ID06 99,6
ID14 Nextel NV 0424.980.061 ID25 99,99
ID15 Nextel Telecom NV ID25 99,99
ID16 Pebble Media 0809.309.701 ID26 30
ID17 PRETPRATERS 843892278 ID06
ID20 Recneps NV 0667.513.616 rechtstreeks 19
ID21 SBS Belgium 470302619 ID05 99,99
ID22 SBS Media Belgium 0470.302.619 ID05 49,98
ID23 SBS SALES BELGIUM 456631755 ID05 99,97
ID24 TelelinQ D&F NV id25 99,99
ID25 TelelinQ NV 0463.524.495 ID9 99,99
ID26 Telenet BVBA 0473.416.418 ID9 99,97
ID27 Telenet Finance Luxemburg notes Luxembourg Notes id17 100
ID28 Telenet Financing USD LLC ID17 2
ID29 Telenet Group BVBA 0462.925.669 rechtstreeks 99,99
ID30 Telenet Group Holding 0477.702.333 0
ID31 Telenet International Finance (L) ID26 100
ID32 Telenet Luxembourg Finance Center (L) ID26 100
ID33 Telenet Mobile 0813.219.195 ID26 9,99
ID34 Telenet Solutions Luxemburg (L) ID26 100
ID35 Telenet Tecteo Bidco 0835.821.779 ID26 74,99
ID36 Telenet Vlaanderen 0458.840.088 ID26 99,65
ID37 The New Flemish Primitives 0834.756.660 id40 2
ID38 The Park Entertainment 0695.802.081 ID9 80,84
ID39 To The Point Label 0821.989.282 ID06 2
ID40 TTTI ID06 99,6
ID41 T-Vgas 0808.321.289 ID26 99,97
ID42 Ulana Business Management L.td. (IRE) ID17 2
ID43 WOESTIJNVIS 460337749 ID06 99,63